The Year 2016 was certainly a big one for consumer technology, gadgets like Apple iPhone 7, Samsung’s galaxy S7, to On a go fly, Nano Drone were released this year, but things did not seem to go smoothly on the other side, as we have seen some technology tremors like.
Samsung Note 7, social media sites like Facebook and twitter faced criticism for spreading fake news, and there was modular phones by LG, finally Blackberry made announcement, they will not be manufacturing its own phones anymore.
Here is a look of biggest technology tremors of 2016.
Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Note 7 was the best smart phone of Samsung in 2016 and a strong contender to Apple’s iPhone 7 plus. According to reviews, Note 7 was the best Android phone ever. But, the glory did not last for much time, as Note 7 was prone to battery heating up and catching fire while charging, which resulted causing multiple injuries to their users across the world.
Immediately after the news spread, Samsung had to recall all the Galaxy note 7 devices and finally ended the production of Note 7 devices. An estimately, $5 billion loss was faced by the company.
Till date Samsung has no answer, what caused the Note 7’s battery malfunction.
Smart watches
It was a bad year for the smart watches, even giants like Apple struggled to sell their smart watches and saw a dip in their sales, even Lenovo did not launch a new version of Moto 360.
Blackberry gives up on hardware
Once upon a time, Blackberry fiercely dominated the world of smart phones, but slowly lost its market share after Apple launched its first iPhone in 2007 and later Google’s Android just ended the game for Blackberry,
Now Blackberry had finally announced that it would not manufacture smart phones anymore, marking the end of a great era,
The Blackberry will now concentrate upon software, security and management and phones will be manufactured by TCL.
Facebook, Twitter fake news
Facebook came under huge criticism for spreading fake news during the U.S. elections. Stories which claimed how an FBI officer, who was investigating Clinton’s mails had died and Donald Trump being endorsed by the Pope were widely spread on Facebook. Even Twitter could not escape the criticism for failing the curb false and misleading information
Modular smart phones
The concept of a modular phone looks great on paper. But, somehow people are not yet convinced when it comes to implementation.
LG launched its G5 modular smart phone challenging Samsung’s S7.
G5’s bottom piece could be snapped off to sway the battery or you can just replace it with a camera module or an audio module.
However the Modular smart phones did not heat up the market and Google also had announced that it had dropped plans for a modular phone.
Modular phones never stood a chance
Twitter under pressure
The year 2016 was not much good for Twitter, In recent months it has not seen any rapid increase in monthly active users.
Where as Instagram has surpassed Twitter in terms of both active users on daily and monthly bases.
There were reports that Twitter Inc was up for sale, Salesforce being top most contenders followed by potential buyers, including Microsoft, Walt Disney and Alphabet.
Facebook safety check under Critical Condition
By AMandeep